46 PU Faculty shines among “TOP 2% SCIENTISTS OF THE WORLD”

Software Freedom Day

Chandigarh August 28, 2024

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On 28th of August 2024, the Department of Library and Information Science celebrated Software Freedom Day. The event, held at Lecture Hall I, which started at 11:30 AM and was attended by students, faculty members, and Research Scholars. The purpose of this event was to raise awareness about the importance of Software Freedom and its impact on the academic and professional lives of library science students. MLIS students Chanchal and Priya gave informative talks, with Chanchal explaining what Software Freedom is and why it matters, and Priya discussing how open-source tools like Koha and DSpace benefit library management. The Chairperson of the department, Prof. Rupak Chakravarty shared insights on how adopting Software supports transparency, collaboration, and learning in the field of library science. The event successfully raised awareness and encouraged students to engage with open-source projects in their academic and professional lives. This was followed by an interactive Q & A session wherein Students, Research Scholars and Faculty members participated.


46 PU Faculty shines among “TOP 2% SCIENTISTS OF THE WORLD”

Eligible persons who have completed 18 years of age should apply for new vote by September 2- District Election Officer Dr. Yash Garg

Notification for Haryana Assembly Elections 2024 will be issued on September 5

 The process of filing nomination papers will start as soon as the notification is issued

 Nomination papers can be filed till September 12

Scrutiny of nomination papers will be done on September 13 and nomination papers can be withdrawn till September 16

 Voting will be held on October 1, counting of votes will be done on October 4

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Panchkula, August 28: Dr. Yash Garg, Deputy Commissioner-cum- District Election Officer, has said that individuals who have completed 18 and are not yet registered in the voter list can apply for inclusion until September 2. This opportunity allows new voters to ensure their names are added to the photo voter list. In accordance with the Election Commission of India’s guidelines, the final voter lists were published on August 27, following the settlement of claims and objections during the summary revision program.

 Dr. Yash Garg said that, in accordance with Election Commission instructions, applications for voter registration will be accepted until September 2, which is 10 days before the final date for filing nomination papers for the Haryana Assembly Elections 2024. This deadline is set to ensure that all new eligible voters can be included in the voter lists. The Election Commission aims to encourage the participation of all eligible individuals to strengthen democracy. Dr. Garg emphasized that the district administration is making concerted efforts to register all eligible persons, with a particular focus on engaging the youth.

   He said that following the Election Commission of India’s declaration of the Haryana Legislative Assembly elections on August 16, the election notification will be issued on September 5, 2024. The process for filing nomination papers will commence immediately after the notification is issued and will continue until September 12, 2024. Interested candidates can submit their nomination papers at the office of the respective Returning Officer between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the designated dates.

Outlining the schedule for the Haryana Legislative Assembly elections, District Election Officer, Dr. Yash Garg said that interested candidates may file their nominations from September 5 to September 12. The scrutiny of nomination papers will take place on September 13, and candidates will have until September 16 to withdraw their nominations. Voting is scheduled for October 1, with the results to be announced following the counting on October 4, 2024. The election process will be concluded by October 6, 2024. Dr. Garg also noted that the security deposit for candidates has been set at Rs 10,000 for general category candidates and Rs 5,000 for Scheduled Caste candidates.

Nomination papers may be rejected if affidavit column is left blank

Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer Dr. Yash Garg has said that previously, candidates were required to submit two separate affidavits in Form-26. However, due to a recent amendment by the Election Commission of India and the Ministry of Law and Justice, these affidavits have been consolidated into a single affidavit in Form-26. Candidates must now submit this single affidavit, using the new Form-26 sample, along with their nomination papers. The affidavit must be sworn before a notary or a first-class executive magistrate, and all columns in the affidavit must be completed without any omissions.

Dr. Yash Garg emphasized that it is mandatory for candidates to complete every section of the affidavit in Form-26. All fields must be filled out, even if it means writing “not applicable,” “no information,” or “zero” where appropriate. The candidates are required to provide full details regarding their criminal background, assets, liabilities, education, and other relevant information. The affidavit must be submitted on stamp paper as per legal requirements. Failure to complete any section of the affidavit will be considered a valid reason for the rejection of the nomination papers, he added.


46 PU Faculty shines among “TOP 2% SCIENTISTS OF THE WORLD”

डेंगू, मलेरिया व चिकनगुनिया व अन्य मच्छरजनित बीमारियों को रोकने के लिए जिला में करें फोगिंग – सचिन गुप्ता

अतिरिक्त उपायुक्त ने स्वास्थ्य विभाग द्वारा बुखार से बचाव व बच्चों के टीकाकरण को लेकर आयोजित बैठक की करी अध्यक्षता

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पंचकूला, 28 अगस्त –अतिरिक्त उपायुक्त सचिन गुप्ता ने आज लघु सचिवालय के सभागार में स्वास्थ्य विभाग द्वारा बुखार (डेंगू, मलेरिया व चिकनगुनिया) से बचाव व बच्चों के टीकाकरण को लेकर आयोजित बैठक की अध्यक्षता करी। अतिरिक्त उपायुक्त ने बैठक में उपस्थित विभिन्न विभागों के अधिकारियों को उचित दिशा-निर्देश दिए।

श्री सचिन गुप्ता ने नगर निगम पंचकूला और नगर परिषद कालका को जिला में फोगिंग कार्य को तेजी से पूरा करने के लिए निर्देश दिए। उन्हांेने कहा कि  डेंगू, मलेरिया व चिकनगुनिया सहित अन्य मच्छरजनित बीमारी को रोकने के लिए विभागों को अपने-अपने कार्यों को पूरा करने की आवश्यकता है। उन्होंने जिलावासियों से अपील करी कि वो भी अपने घरों के अन्दर व आसपास के एरिया की अच्छे से सफाई करें ताकि वहां पर मच्छर ना पनप सके। उन्होंने कहा कि डेंगू का मच्छर दिन के समय में गर्दन से नीचे काटता है। इस बात को देखते हुए शिक्षा विभाग को निर्देश दिए कि जिला के सभी स्कूलों में विद्यार्थी फुल बाजू की कमीज और  पेंट डालकर आएं। सभी स्कूलों की तरफ से इस निर्देश पर की गई कार्रवाई की रिपोर्ट भी प्रस्तुत करें।

अतिरिक्त उपायुक्त ने स्वास्थ्य विभाग को कहा कि जहां पर लारवा मिलने के बाद नोटिस दिया है वहां पर नगर निगम व परिषद की टीमों के साथ दोबारा सर्वे करें और दोबारा से लारवा मिलने पर उनका चालान किया जाए। उन्होंने शहरी स्थानीय निकाय, एचएसवीपी, जनस्वास्थ्य अभियांत्रिकी और अन्य संबंधित विभागों को अपनी जिम्मेदारियां पूरा करने के निर्देश दिए।

अतिरिक्त उपायुक्त ने 2 सितम्बर से 7 सितम्बर तक चलने वाले टीकाकारण अभियान को लेकर शिक्षा विभाग, श्रम विभाग और महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग को टीकाकरण के लिए विशेष योगदान देने के निर्देश दिए। आंगनवाडियों में होने वाले टीकाकरण की सांझी रिपोर्ट तैयार करें और टीकाकरण के लक्ष्य को पूरा करें। शिक्षा विभाग स्कूली बच्चों में टीकाकरण करवाना सुनिश्चित करे । उन्होंने कहा कि श्रम विभाग ईंट भट्ठों पर काम करने वाले  मजदूरों के बच्चों का शत-प्रतिशत टीकाकरण करवाना सुनिश्चित करे।
  जिला प्रतिरक्षण अधिकारी डा. मीनू सासन ने बताया कि शून्य से पांच वर्ष के बच्चों को हाई रिस्क एरिया में टीकाकरण किया जाएगा। खसरा और जर्मन खसरा की पहली व दूसरी खुराक पिलाई जाएगी। उन्होंने बताया कि बच्चों को खसरा और निमोनिया से बचाने के लिए स्वास्थ्य विभाग द्वारा पांच वर्ष तक के बच्चों को विटामिन-ए की खुराक पिलाई जाएगी।

इस मौके पर डिप्टी सिविल सर्जन डा. मीनू सासन, डिप्टी सिविल सर्जन डा. संदीप जैन, एसएमओ पिंजोर डा. राजेश, आयुष विभाग एएमओ डा. विक्रमजीत शर्मा, एचएसवीपी के एक्सईएन कैलाश, रोडवेज विभाग अधीक्षक रजनीश, डब्ल्यूसीडीपीओ बिमला, पशुपालन एवं डेयरी विभाग से डा. आरएस, पब्लिक हेल्थ एसडीई धर्मेंद्र सिंह, एटीपी शालू और अशोक कुमार सहित अन्य अधिकारीगण मौजूद रहे।


46 PU Faculty shines among “TOP 2% SCIENTISTS OF THE WORLD”

Advisory to all Student Organizations

Chandigarh August 27, 2024

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It has been noticed that representatives of various Students’ Organizations are littering the campus with printed material in the form of their manifesto/other pamphlets etc.  The same is violation of guidelines of J.M. Lyngdoh Committee.

Therefore, all Students Organizations are advised not to deface buildings, walls, trees, floors, poles etc. or littering the Campus, as the same is punishable under the “Defacement Act” as well.

Strict action will be taken against the Students/Organizations who indulge in littering and whose pamphlets/stickers are found on University walls/trees/poles/buildings etc. These are allowed only on the designated notice boards provided for the election.


46 PU Faculty shines among “TOP 2% SCIENTISTS OF THE WORLD”

*Mayor dedicates renovated Community Centre at Kishangarh to public*

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*Chandigarh, August 27:-* Sh. Kuldeep Kumar, Mayor, Chandigarh today inaugurated renovated Community Centre in Kishangarh, here in the presence of Smt. Suman Sharma, area councilor, other councilors, officers of MC Chandigarh and other prominent persons of the area.

While addressing the gathering, the Mayor said that this Community Centre has undergone extensive renovations to enhance its functionality and aesthetic appeal at a total expenditure of Rs. 59 lacs. He said that this Community Centre was handed over by the Chandigarh Administration to the Municipal Corporation during the year 2019 merger of 13 villages under the MC’s jurisdiction. At that time, the Community Centre was in poor condition and lacked basic facilities.

He said that the comprehensive renovation has addressed these issues, including making the main hall soundproof with a new false ceiling, and upgrading the windows and doors with toughened glass and U PVC materials for soundproofing. A new open kitchen has been constructed, allowing it to be used without disturbing ongoing events. All doors have been aesthetically enhanced with teak wood, and the entire building has been made handicapped-friendly, ensuring accessibility for all, added the Mayor.

The Mayor said that the additional upgrades include covering the bathroom walls with ceramic tiles, adding a 3-foot vertical granite cladding to the corridor walls and repainting the entire building. Various repair works have also been completed to done the facility to optimal condition.
