
नेहरु युवा केंद्र द्वारा जिला स्तरीय सडक सुरक्षा अभियान चलाया गया

Fortis IVF Baloom shares experiences of families who have achieved child happiness

Chandigarh, Dec 10

Fortis IVF Baloom shares experiences of families who have achieved child happiness

Changed lifestyle, junk food and drinking habits are majorly responsible for the declining fertility in males and females. Added to this late marriages and rampant use of alcohol has added to the problems.

In such testing times IVF technology has come as a boon for the childless couple who yearn for children but could not conceive naturally due to one reason or another.

Dr Nandita Palshetkar, President, Elect-FOGSI, Vice President of ISAR, Past President – IAGE & MOGS & Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, Ex Secretary General, FOGSI, M.D., F.C.P.S., F.I.C.O.G. M.Sc (USA) said during event Baby Catwalk held at local hotel today.

The event brought together around 100 kids from happy families who were blessed through the IVF technology. Kids at the occasion walked the Ramp cuddled in their winter wear and cut the cake.

The event was chaired by Secretary Health and Family Welfare Mr Kumar Rahul along with the Director Fortis Hospital Mr Ashish Bhatia and Mr Abhijit, Dr Kang Dr Gurbir.

Dr Nandita said that latest advanced technology has helped  child less couples enjoy parenthood with a little scientific help.

Dr Hrishikesh Pai says that the society should not take infertility as a social stigma and people should approach their respective doctors. She also advised the youngsters to exercise, eat healthy and abstain from alcohol or substance abuse.

Many couples shared their success stories about the way they were benefited with treatment.

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