147 बुजुर्ग एवं दिव्यांगों ने भरा 12डी फार्म, रिटर्निंग अधिकारी घर-घर जाकर डलवाएंगे वोट - डा. यश गर्ग

Fees payment date extended by PU

Chandigarh August 10, 2020

Last date for payment of fee for current semester of Panjab University Chandigarh has been extended till 31-08-2020, informed Prof R K Singla,Dean of University Instructions.

For Detailed News-

The faculty will engage the students in online mode for clearing doubts or covering left over topics of previous semester subjects from Aug 11 to Aug 31,2020.


A policy is being framed for helping the students who are not in a position to pay fee due to pandemic,he added