निपुण पंचकूला मिशन के अंतर्गत जिले के 275 राजकीय विद्यालयों में हुआ ‘संवाद’ पी०टी०एम० का आयोजन

Web-lecture of Shri Shankarananda Ji

Chandigarh July 6, 2020

The Department of History and Interdisciplinary Centre of Swami Vivekananda Studies,
Panjab University, Chandigarh organized a Web Lecture of Shri Shankarananda, a
prominent Academician and the All India Joint Organising Secretary of the Bharatiya
Shikshan Mandal (BSM) on the theme of ‘Economics and Cultural Amalgamation: The Only
Way to Achieve Economic Stability’.

For Detailed News-

Prof Raj Kumar,Vice Chancellor in his opening remarks applauded the effort of the
Department for organizing the Web Lecture of high academic caliber. Prof Raj Kumar
touched on the relevance of the theme in the light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and
how the economy of the country has undergone a major shock. He remarked that there is
the need to steer the economy forward but not at the cost of  cultural heritage.


Shri Shankarananda began his lecture by congratulating the organizers and said that
they deserve appreciation for organizing a series of web lectures. He then started his
exposition on the theme by asserting that it is erroneous to compartmentalize various
branches of education. This compartmentalisation acts as impediment in the holistic
growth of the mind through education. Education, as per Indian objectives always aims
at the sacred principle that ‘education liberates the mind’. The intellectual
abilities, oratory skills and analytical presentation captured the mind and soul of the
audience as the speaker recounted how culture and education can be brought together to
create a powerful medium for the modern world. Through many anecdotes, stories and
extensive quoting from the ancient sources of wisdom such as Vedas and Shastras, Shri
Shankarananda spoke about how the economy still is dependent on age-old values and
ethics to be able to function and thrive. The speaker also spoke about how it is
possible to predict the vagaries of the economic situation using the traditional modes
which have been spelled out in the Indian classical Sanskrit treatises. He highlighted
the importance of economy, values of life, culture and dharma, the hallmarks of ancient
Indian history and appealed that these should be adopted in consonance and coordination
for the economic stability. These are useful in the process of our nation building. Our
nation by adhering to them can lead the whole world in showing the path of ultimate
solace and economic stability in the present time especially when the entire globe is
coping with the challenge of Covid-19 which has led to global economic instability.

Earlier,Professor Anju Suri, Chairperson of Department of History, the Director of the
event apprised the audience of the credentials of the eminent speaker, who is an
Engineer by formal education.  Speaking in chaste Hindi, in which the entire event was
organised, Dr Suri delved on various aspects of Indian culture in a nutshell. Shri
Shankarananda who has devoted his life to the service of the nation and Mother India is
actively engaged in education reforms in India. He is of the belief that the
Indianisation of education is important to liberate Indian academia from intellectual
colonial dependency of the west.

Professor Devendra Singh Thakur, Co-ordinator, Ambedkar Centre, Panjab University,
Chandigarh and Co-ordinator, Bhartiya Shikshan Mandal delivered the Vote of Thanks and
congratulated the Department of History and ICSVS for having conducted a series of
webinars featuring such distinguished speakers, who have been able to shed light on
many known and unknown aspects of history, culture, science, education etc. He remarked
that the moral values and ethics may be included in the syllabi of the University as
the effective tools for practically following the message of Shri Shankarananda ji.

The highly incisive and informative lecture was co-organised by Dr. Priyatosh Sharma,
the Associate Professor of the Department of History who partnered Professor Anju Suri
and Professor Renu Thakur in organising the Web Lecture. The lecture was joined by
experts from academic, scientists, researchers, students and faculty members from
various diverse Departments.

Watch This Video Till End….