
147 बुजुर्ग एवं दिव्यांगों ने भरा 12डी फार्म, रिटर्निंग अधिकारी घर-घर जाकर डलवाएंगे वोट - डा. यश गर्ग

खेल-संबंधी टखने और पैर के लिगामेंट की चोटों के इलाज में आई क्रांति

समय पर सटीक इलाज मिलने से खिलाडी कर रहे हैं खेल में बेहतर वापसी: डॉ. चंदन नारंग
अब किसी भी खिलाडी के प्रदर्शन में बाधा नहीं डालेगी खेल-संबंधी चोटें : डॉ. चंदन नारंग

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कुरूक्षेत्र, 10 अप्रैल (       ): खेल के दौरान खिलाड़ी को लगने वाली किसी भी तरह की हड्डी/लिगामेंट की चोट उसके कैरियर में अड़चन नहीं लाएगी, क्योंकि आर्थोपेडिक्स में आई तकनीकी क्रांति से अब किसी भी तरह की चोटिल हड्डी को शत-प्रतिशत ठीक किया जा सकता है। यह बात आज कुरुक्षेत्र में एक पत्रकारवार्ता को संबोधित करते हुए जाने माने हड्डी रोग माहिर डॉ. चंदन नारंग ने कही, जो कि खेल के दौरान पैर संबंधी चोटों, पैर के फ्रैक्चर, मांसपेशियों के फटने, एड़ी में दर्द, सपाट पैर, टखने में मोच, टखने का गठिया, गोखरू, पैर में झुनझुनी या सुन्नता, असहाय पीड़ा, पैर, टखने के अंदरूनी हिस्से से लेकर तलवे तक जलन, टखने का फ्रैक्चर, पैर में अस्पष्टीकृत दर्दनाक सूजन, मधुमेह के कारण पैर का पुनर्निर्माण, पैर का गिरना (पैर उठाने में असमर्थता), टखने का विषुव, टखने के लिगामेंट का टूटना, बचपन के पैर की विकृति, क्लब पैर, और पैर से संबंधित कई अन्य चोटों के उपचार में आई नवीनतम उपचार तकनीकों संबंधी जागरूक करने के लिए शहर में पहुंचे थे।

फोर्टिस हॉस्पिटल मोहाली के फुट एंड एंकल डिपार्टमेंट के एसोसिएट कंसल्टेंट डॉ. चंदन नारंग ने बताया कि ऑर्थोपेडिक्स डिपार्टमेंट के अंतर्गत फुट एंड एंकल डिपार्टमेंट ने डिफॉर्मिटी करेक्शन सर्जरी के माध्यम से टखने (एंकल) और पैर के लिगामेंट की जटिल चोटों से पीड़ित कई खिलाड़ियों का सफलतापूर्वक इलाज किया गया है, जो कि अब देश-विदेश में मेडल जीतकर देश का नाम रोशन कर रहे हैं।

उन्होंने बताया कि एक 21 वर्षीय कबड्डी खिलाड़ी टखने और पैर के लिगामेंट की चोटों के कारण अपने खेल में सही प्रदर्शन नहीं कर पा रहा था तथा जो खेल छोड़ने की कगार पर था। मरीज़ को तेज़ दर्द हो रहा था और उनकी गतिशीलता बुरी तरह प्रभावित हो गई थी। उन्होंने बताया कि चिकित्सीय जांच में मरीज को क्रॉनिक एंकल इंस्टैबिलिटी (टखने का बार-बार मुड़ना) था, जिसके कारण टखने का बाहरी भाग (पार्श्व भाग) बार-बार मुड़ जाता था। यह स्थिति मुख्य रूप से टखने में बार-बार मोच आने के कारण बनती थी। डॉ. नारंग ने लेटरल एंकल लिगामेंट रिकंस्ट्रक्शन के माध्यम से मरीज का इलाज किया, जिसमें टखने के बाहर टखने के लिगामेंट को आंतरिक ब्रेस और पुनर्निर्माण के माध्यम से ठीक किया गया। सर्जरी के बाद अब कबड्डी खिलाड़ी ने खेल अभ्यास पुनः शुरू कर दिया है।

डॉ. चंदन नारंग ने बताया कि हड्डी रोग के उपचार में आई नई तकनीकी क्रांति से अब किसी भी चोटिल हड्डी ठीक की जा सकती है। ऐसा तभी संभव है, जब पीडि़त व्यक्ति को ऐसे अस्पताल में पहुंचाया जाए, जहां माहिर डाक्टरों के साथ-साथ उत्तम तकनीक उपलब्ध हो।

147 बुजुर्ग एवं दिव्यांगों ने भरा 12डी फार्म, रिटर्निंग अधिकारी घर-घर जाकर डलवाएंगे वोट - डा. यश गर्ग

Doctors at Fortis Mohali give new lease of life to 82-year-old woman who suffered brain stroke via Mechanical Thrombectomy

— Fortis Mohali is a 24×7 Stroke-Ready Hospital and offers Mechanical Thrombectomy which can increase treatment window for some brain stroke patients to up to 24 hours —

Kurukshetra, September 19, 2023: An 82-year-old woman, who had arrived within 4 hours of suffering a brain stroke which had paralyzed the left side of her body, got a new lease of life at Fortis Hospital Mohali recently. Any delay in medical intervention could have proved fatal for the patient.

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The team of doctors led by Dr Vivek Agarwal, Consultant, Neuro-intervention and Interventional Radiology, Fortis Mohali, used the most advanced treatment for stroke – Mechanical Thrombectomy –to treat the patient.

Mechanical Thrombectomy is a minimally-invasive procedure that involves inserting a catheter into the brain artery to remove the clot. This allows restoration of blood flow and saves a patient from disability or death by increasing treatment window for some brain stroke patients to up to 24 hours.

The patient was rushed to Fortis Hospital Mohali with symptoms of acute stroke as the blood supply to her brain’s right side had been blocked.  She was also confused, disoriented and lacked coordination. Dr Agarwal performed Mechanical Thrombectomy on the Patient and removed the clot from her brain artery. Following good rehabilitation, her paralysis was treated and she was discharged four days after the procedure.

Shedding light on the case, Dr Agarwal, said, “Mechanical Thrombectomy is regarded as the gold standard treatment for brain stroke patients and timely intervention within the golden hour can save them from life-long disability or death.”

Elaborating on Fortis Mohali as a 24×7 Stroke-ready HospitalDr Agarwal, said, “Stroke patients should reach the hospital as soon as possible as every second counts. On an average, one Indian suffers a brain stroke every 20 seconds. Crucial time is wasted when patients reach healthcare facilities which are not well equipped with 24×7 comprehensive stroke care facilities. An average patient loses 1.9 million neurons every minute in untreated ischemic stroke which invariably leads to paralysis or death. Fortis Mohali is a 24×7 Stroke-ready Hospital and equipped with an expert team of neurologists, interventional neuro-radiologists, neuro-surgeons, emergency physicians, anaesthetists and physiotherapists that provide 24×7 stroke treatment such as thrombolysis, mechanical thrombectomy, stroke ICU care and rehabilitation”.

Dr Agarwal further added, “The aim is to raise awareness about Mechanical Thrombectomy as a treatment of choice for moderate to severe ischemic brain stroke. The procedure can save patients from long-term paralysis in a majority of cases.”

147 बुजुर्ग एवं दिव्यांगों ने भरा 12डी फार्म, रिटर्निंग अधिकारी घर-घर जाकर डलवाएंगे वोट - डा. यश गर्ग

Doctors at Fortis Mohali perform two-stage total hip replacement surgery on 59-year-old man

Kurukshetra, August 18, 2021: The Orthopedics team at Fortis Hospital Mohali, led by Dr. Sandeep Gupta (Senior Consultant, Orthopedics, Fortis Hospital Mohali), successfully performed a ‘two-stage total hip replacement’ on a 59-year-old patient who had an infected and completely damaged hip joint. The hospital is the first in North India to have a Hip Surgery and Bone Infection team.

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On presentation, the patient (Darshan Singh) was wheelchair bound, in acute pain and discomfort and his hip joint was completely damaged and infected. He had sought treatment at several hospitals unsuccessfully but was not satisfied with the line of treatment. He finally approached Fortis Hospital Mohali in January this year, where he was advised to undergo the two-stage total hip replacement surgery as it would remove the infection and allow for the implantation of the artificial joint.

Dr Sandeep Gupta, Senior Consultant, Orthopedics, Fortis Hospital Mohali, said, “Hip joint infection is caused by either pyogenic bacteria or tubercular bacteria. While the disease progresses slowly in the case of tuberculosis, there is a rapid destruction of the hip joint when affected by pyogenic bacteria. Total hip replacement surgery has given a ray of hope to many patients with damaged hip joints but needs careful planning and execution in such cases.”

Elaborating on the surgical procedure, Dr Gupta, said, “We follow a strict treatment protocol while conducting two-stage total hip replacement. Stage I requires meticulous removal of the dead and infected bone along with synovium and insertion of antibiotic-loaded cement spacer. In this case, articulating spacer was made which not only delivered high-dose local antibiotics to cure the infection, but also allowed the patient to be mobilized with a walker. The surgery lasted two hours. Following the first operation in January 2021, the second stage surgery was performed after two months in March wherein the implant was inserted into the joint. The patient is now fully pain-free and independently mobile.”The patient, Darshan Singh, said, “I was in extreme pain and unable to walk. I met Dr Sandeep Gupta at Fortis Mohali and he advised me to go for a two-stage total hip replacement surgery. I am extremely happy with the high-quality treatment given to me at Fortis Mohali. I recommend the surgery to anybody who is facing similar health problems.”

147 बुजुर्ग एवं दिव्यांगों ने भरा 12डी फार्म, रिटर्निंग अधिकारी घर-घर जाकर डलवाएंगे वोट - डा. यश गर्ग

Grecian hospital Mohali treats over 700 critical Covid patients during 2nd wave: Dr Preety Sharma

Kurukshetra, August 5

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Infections, Respiratory Distress, Pneumonia, COPD, Sepsis, causing most ICU admissions: Dr .Rohini Malhotra

The medical experts of Grecian Superspeciality Hospital Mohali had joined the efforts government in handling the Covid-19 outbreak as the hospital’s critical care team provided treatment to over 600 severe patients during the second wave of the pandemic, the hospital experts revealed this on Saturday, during a press conference, which was organized to share facts and myths regarding the ‘Critical Care, Covid Care and Ventilation’.

While speaking on the occasion, Dr Preeti Sharma, Senior Consultant Pumonology and Critical care, at Grecian Superspeciality Hospital Mohali said, “Since critical or intensive care involves the diagnosis or management of life-threatening health conditions, the facilities in these units are considered to be the best that a hospital can offer. Around the clock availability of the specialized doctors and heathcare staff besides the best medical equipments ensured the highest level of patient care at the hospital.”

Dr Sharma said that the hospital, which treated over 600 critical Covid-19 patients from Punjab, Chandigarh, Haryana, Delhi, Noida, Faridabad, Meerut, Panipat, Jammu, Bareli, Dehradun, Haridwar, Mathura etc, has saved many lives by providing timely and best treatment. 

Dr Maninderjit Kaur, Sr Consultant and Head Critical care at Grecain Hospital Mohali, said, “All big hospitals, private or public, have intensive care unit (ICUs). Even then, only 70,000 ICU beds are available in India to treat five million patients. However, changing demographics and newer infection like Covid will further increase the burden on health infrastructure.”

To ensure low fatality rate, the ICU beds needs to be increased to at least 10% of total beds in all hospitals; and even upto 15-20% in some leading public as well as private tertiary care centres, Dr Kaur further said.

While sharing his experience, Dr Rohini Malhotra, Consultant Emergency Medicine at Grecian Hospital Mohali, said, “At times when India is showcasing an envious growth in the life sciences industry, the country has very few critical care specialists. Only 10 hospital beds are available in India for every 10,000 people, while the global average is 30 beds per 10,000 people. Additionally, there is expected to be one ICU bed per 10 hospital beds but Indian numbers do not stack up to being even close to the norm.”

The Grecain Hospital Mohali is providing best patient care and treatment to critically ill patients, having septic shock, severe pneumonia , ARDS, respiratory failure, renal failure, liver failure poisoniong, stroke, trauma, among others. The hospital is equipped with advanced ventilators, non-invasive ventilators, high flow nasal cannula, advanced monitors, ABG Analysis, in ICU bed side dialysis. The hospital also provides teaching programs for doctors and nurses.