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Science Technology and Innovations discussed at PU

Chandigarh April 16, 2021

For Detailed News-

Department of Biotechnology, Panjab University Chandigarh in association with  Punjab Academy of Sciences and Indian Science Congress Association Chandigarh Chapter, organized distinguished lecture by Dr Renu Swarup, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology(DBT), Govt Of India, New Delhi.

            Dr Renu Swarup talked about Science Technology and Innovations: Key Drivers for Economic Growth. She elaborated how DBT is leading the country with the theme of discovery, innovation and enterprises and driving the India towards self reliance or Aatamnirbharta.  Through it’s various initiatives towards promoting innovative research, empowering people, building world class infrastructure, supporting public-private partnership, Department has made a huge impact on Indian agriculture, healthcare, industry and environment on one hand, while raising global standing of India in the sphere of biotechnology on the other.

            Prof Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh in his inaugural address, described that the current crisis has provided opportunity to reconsider our lives and reorganize them in a way that has less impact on our planet. People have started thinking differently, re-imagining , taking  action and weaving in a shift towards  better world to adapt with deftness to the ‘Change’, as that’s the only constant in life.

            Earlier, Prof RC Sobti elaborated the theme of lecture and introduced the speaker. Dr VP Kamboj, former director CSIR-CDRI presided over the function.


            The Department through its National Biotechnology Development Strategy announced in 2015, lays major emphasis on generation of biotech products, processes and technologies for enhanced efficiency, productivity and cost-effectiveness in the areas of agriculture, food and nutritional security; affordable health care and wellness; environmental safety; clean energy, biofuel, bio-manufacturing etc. She stressed on continuous effort and engagement of all stakeholders to move forward and  to make India a US$100b Bioeconomy by 2025. In the end, Dr Kashmir Singh, Chairperson proposed vote of thanks.