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PU Physics Deptt Views Solar Eclipse

Chandigarh June 21, 2020

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PU Physics Deptt Views Solar Eclipse

The sequential images of the various phases of the 21st June, 2020 Solar
eclipse as seen through the Panjab University, Chandigarh telescope.


Prof Sandeep Sahijpal, Physics Deptt informed that the umbra phase of
the eclipse started around 10:30 AM. The eclipse reached its peak around
12:00 Noon. The eclipse was seen in projection mode of the telescope,
whereby, the image is projected on the screen. The seeing condition was
in general good throughout the observations except for the scattered
clouds. The images represent the partial blocking of the sun by our

He aded that the eclipse does not bring any good or bad influence on any
individual. There is no correlation between the eclipse and corona
virus,he shared. This is a normal celestial event that happens quite
often. The Moon simply passes between Earth and Sun. The Moon casts
shadow on Earth just like the clouds cast shadow.

Watch This Video Till End….