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Online Workshop on ‘Yoga for Self Management’ Commences in Panjab University

Chandigarh December 12, 2020

The 14 day  online workshop on ‘Yoga for Self Management’ started in Panjab University, Chandigarh today which is organised by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Swami Vivekananda Studies.This workshop is an effort to enlighten people on the benefits of Yoga in leading a happy and healthy life. 

For Detailed News-

Dr Monika Aggarwal, Associate Professor from University Institute of Applied and Management Science (UIAMS) welcomed the guests and conducted the proceedings. Prof. Renu Thakur, Coordinator ICSVS introduced the speaker. The keynote speaker of the day was Prof. G. D. Sharma, former Chairman of the Department of Yoga Studies, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. He is an eminent scholar of Yoga 

studies. He has received  various awards and honours for his commendable work in this field.


 On the first day of the 14 day Workshop , Prof Sharma spoke on the benefits of yoga in the modern times. He started the session  with the chanting of Om and informed that it fills us with positive energy. He stressed that yoga manages our life and by regulating our lifestyle we can minimise our sufferings and lead happy life. Strict discipline is the key to happiness. We should interact with ourself and try to listen to our soul and contemplate on the virtues. He highlighted the importance of regulated breath (pranayama) in our life. ‘Prana’ is the key to both mental and physical health. Mastering ‘Prana’ through yogic techniques can help us control our wandering mind. He introduced the participants to Atha Yoga Anushasnam cited in the Yogasutra of Patanjali. In the modern times we are careless about our lifestyle and have become totally ignorant that vikalpa stops growth of humans ,so we are to control our mind to grow.The pandemics cannot harm us if we are disciplined and adhere to the advisory issued by the health experts.The balanced food does wonders, so we should eat right food at right  time and in right quantity. Yoga is an essence of a happy and successful life. WHO and ICMR are also propagating yoga for good health. Let us lead a disciplined life and keep ourselves free from all kinds of ailments.

 Dr Kuldeep Dhiman, project fellow of ICSVS proposed the vote of thanks. Large number of participants from different parts of the country participated in the Workshop.