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MCC conducts Live Band Show at Sukhna Lake about Ease of Living survey

MCC conducts Live Band Show at Sukhna Lake about Ease of Living survey

Chandigarh, February 27:- The IEC team of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh has organized an event today to create awareness amongst the citizens regarding the Ease of Living survey at Sukhna Lake, Chandigarh.

During the event, a live band show was presented by famous artists and citizens were made aware about the Ease of Living survey. They were encouraged to fill the survey on the link- eol2019.org/citizenfeedback and give their important feedback about the Ease of Living in the city beautiful.

The survey, which is made up of 24 basic but important questions would prove helpful in understanding the perception of the citizens in regard to the Ease of Living in Chandigarh. These questions cover topics like- Women safety, Electricity supply, Transportation, Water supply, Cost of Living etc. and would help determine whether the citizens are satisfied with the services and facilities provided by the Smart city Chandigarh or not.

The survey is a great opportunity for Chandigarh to build a good image on the national level and rise up in the Ease of Living Index.

Watch This Video Till End….

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