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Mayor calls meeting to discuss low water supply in city

Mayor calls meeting to discuss low water supply in city

Chandigarh, May 27:- Smt. Raj Bala Malik, Mayor, Chandigarh today called an emergency meeting of Chief Engineer and Chairman, Water Supply & Sewerage disposal committee in her office regarding supply of low water pressure in city.

The meeting was attended by Sh. Anil Kumar Dubey, Chairman, Water Supply & Sewerage disposal committee and Sh. Shailender Singh, Chief Engineer, MCC. During the meeting she asked the chief engineer to take necessary steps on the water supply issue in this summer season and maintain sufficient water supply to the city residents.

For Detailed News-

The chief engineer informed the Mayor and the Chairman that the entire team of engineers monitoring this issue very closely. He informed that 18 teams have been constituted and these teams would daily visit their respective areas early in the morning from 1st June, 2020 to 15th July, 2020. These teams would check that there is no wastage of water, overflow of water tank, leakage of water supply line and other precautionary measures. He further assured that he would personally monitor and sort out the issues during this summer season.


After the discussion the Mayor asked the Chairman Sh. Anil Kumar Dubey to call a special meeting of water supply and sewerage disposal committee on Monday to discuss this serious issue.

The Mayor also instructed the Chief Engineer to depute concerned engineers to visit the areas alongwith the chairman of committee Sh. Anil Kumar Dubey, where water supply is in low pressure and check the measures to be taken to maintain the full pressure water supply during summer season.

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