147 बुजुर्ग एवं दिव्यांगों ने भरा 12डी फार्म, रिटर्निंग अधिकारी घर-घर जाकर डलवाएंगे वोट - डा. यश गर्ग

Governor launches phase-I of Public Bicycle Sharing Project in Chandigarh

Also launches SCADA system for TT Water, GPS on door to door waste collection vehicles & OBPAS for commercial units

For Detailed News-

Chandigarh, August 12:- Sh. V.P. Singh Badnore, Governor, Punjab and Administrator, UT, Chandigarh today inaugurated four projects under the Smart Cities Mission in Chandigarh including SCADA System for Tertiary Treated Water Distribution System, SCADA for monitoring of Door to Door Waste Collection Vehicles and Online Building Plan Approval System (OBPAS) for Commercial Units was held at the Rose Club Sector-16, along with Phase-1 of the Public Bicycle Sharing project which was launched at the Shanti Kunj Parking area, Sector-16.

The occasion was graced by Sh. Dharam Pal, IAS, Adviser to the Administrator, Sh. Ravi Kant Sharma, Mayor of the city, Sh. K.K. Yadav, IAS, Commissioner, MCC-cum-CEO, Chandigarh Smart City Ltd., Sh. Mandeep Singh Brar, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Sh. Mahesh Inder Singh Siddhu, Senior Deputy Mayor, other councilors and officers of MCC and other dignitaries.

On the occasion, the Governor said that the SCADA system for monitoring of Door to Door Waste Collection Vehicles is an integral part of the Pan-City – Information and Communication Technology (ICT) based solutions under the Smart Cities Mission. The project aims to improve the efficiency of collection, transportation and disposal of municipal solid waste from Chandigarh in a cost effective and environmentally friendly manner. It will help to monitor, track and manage various SWM tasks related to Door to Door collection through GPS enabled devices mounted on 642 vehicles. The movement of the vehicles will be monitored by the team at the Command & Control center to ensure assigned routes are followed.


He said that Citizens can register on Clean Chandigarh App to get a notification on their mobile when the vehicle is about to reach their vicinity. They can also see the route of the waste collection vehicle assigned to their area. In the event of vehicle breakdown, the Command center will get an alert and replacement vehicle will be assigned to complete the work.

He expressed happiness over the decision of Chandigarh Smart City Ltd. for allocating a dedicated team at the Help Desk (0172-2787200) which will resolve the grievance related to door to door waste collection. He said that citizens will also be able to log their complaints through the Mobile application. The system will enable officials to check the amount of total dry and wet waste generated in the city.

Speaking on the project of Public Bike Sharing System, the Governor said that Chandigarh is the only city to launch the project on pan-city basis and was proud to announce the deployment of pedal assisted hybrid e-bicycles also. The project will ultimately be extended to 5000 bicycles & 617 stations in a year’s time, making it India’s densest and largest PBS system. The residents can now undertake their daily chores on bicycles and leave their worry of parking their vehicles aside. The advantage of this system is its nominal user charges and ease of locating nearest docking station through the SmartBike mobile app.

Sh. Ravi Kant Sharma, Mayor, Chandigarh said that city with the launch of Public Bicycle Sharing project with 1250 bicycles and 155 docking stations has entered into elite category of Indian cities to have their own Public Bicycle Sharing system. The much awaited project started off last year has borne the fruit.

He said that the facilities include Bicycle, Network of Docking Station; GPS based tracking of bicycles, Central Control System with Call Centre, Workshop, User Registration &Fare Collection System through Mobile app, Advertisement space. The project will be maintained by the concessionaire for 10 years and provide array of services. Notably, Chandigarh is the only North Indian city in the Top-11 cities to be rewarded under India Cycles4Change Challenge with a sum of Rs. 1 Cr and technical assistance from national & international experts to scale-up cycling infrastructure.

While speaking on the online projects, the Mayor said that SCADA for Tertiary Treated Water Recycled Water Distribution system is to monitor daily supply and requisite parameter for better management of O&M of Tertiary Treated Water distribution system. Started last year, the project saw establishment of SCADA Centre, installation of flow meters, level transmitter, pressure transmitter, Remote Terminal Unit (RTU’s), Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

He said that for this project, a mobile app has also been developed to fetch real time data by the city officials. With this, monitoring and data collection related to Tertiary Treated Water will help in analysis of flow of TT water along with quantity and quality parameters which will help in future use of TT water for various usages.

Sh. K.K. Yadav, IAS, Commissioner, MCC-cum-CEO, CSCL informed about the another important citizen service launched is the Online Building Plan Approval System (OBPAS) for Commercial units through which the citizens will be able to apply for the approval of commercial building plans.

He said that through OBPAS, building plans can be submitted online i.e. faceless interface for granting approvals. SMS & Email Notifications will be sent to citizens related to their application status and further to pay the fee online. The project will ensure timely approval of the building plans and maintain transparency with well-defined roles for each department/employees. Citizens / Architects can also avail support of 24 X 7 Help Desk (0172-2787200) for any enquiries.

He said that the registration form for the architects is available on MCC and CSCL web portal (http://mcchandigarh.gov.in & https://www.chandigarhsmartcity.in).  Registration form will be approved by the Department of Urban Planning (Architecture Wing) and Username and password will be shared with the Architects through Email. The centralised dashboard will help track applications status and also grievances of Citizens / Architects.