7 Days Online Workshop concludes at Dr.SSBUICET, PU
One week online workshop titled “ Statistical Tools for Research” which was
organized by Dr.S.S. Bhatnagar University Institute of Chemical Engineering and
Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh in collaboration with Dibrugarh University
Institute of Engineering and Technology (DUIET), Dibrugarh, Assam under aegis of
TEQIP-III, concluded on 10th January,2021
The workshop for organized for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of the
Department and its Mentee Institute, DUIET.
Various eminent speakers delivered a talk on different topics of statistical tools
used for effective research. Dr.Tilak Raj from UBS discussed the concept of index
numbers and their calculations and also highlighted their importance in various
Prof. Bhupinder Singh Bhoop, UIPS delved on the topic of Quality by Design (QbD)
with interesting case of pharma industry. Dr. Pooja Arora, Scientist from NIPER
discussed topics such as sampling design, validity, reliability, demand forecasting
etc. Dr. Tejinder Pal explained basis of research and non-parametric tests in
greater detail.
The workshop concluded with encouraging words from Chairperson Prof. Amrit Pal Toor
and Coordinator TEQIP-III Prof. Anupama Sharma to the workshop coordinators
Dr.Harjit Kaur and Ms. NIdhi Singhal and student organizing team lead by Mr.Taranjit
Singh (BE.-MBA, Sem-3rd).