*नव चयनित पटवारियों की प्रशिक्षण अवधि डेढ़ वर्ष की बजाय होगी एक वर्ष, प्रशिक्षण अवधि भी सेवा में होगी शामिल* 

14th CHASCON 2020 By PU In December

Chandigarh November 9, 2020

Panjab University in association with Chandigarh Region Innovation and Knowledge Cluster (CRIKC) is organizing 14th Chandigarh Science Congress 2020 (CHASCON-2020) through online mode from December 17-19, 2020 on the theme ‘Science and Technology Innovations: Ushering in the Era of Make-in-India” under the patronship of Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice Chancellor, PU.

For Detailed News-

Prof. Desh Deepak Singh, Coordinator, CHASCON-2020 informed that the registration fees is waived off since the conference is in online mode. But, still the participants have to fill the registration form which they can download from the website https://chascon.puchd.ac.in/.

CHASCON is an annual event since 2007 in PU which encourages the young and innovative minds for interaction with researchers, academicians and industry leaders. CHASCON will be an exciting platform to deliberate, exchange views on scientific challenges and innovations and would showcase the contributions from the region and define the future roadmap for making India the Innovation Hub.


Many eminent speakers will give plenary lectures and there will be panel discussions and opportunity for e-posters, abstracts and oral presentations.