PU Announces Entry Regulations for Holi Celebrations on March 14, 2025

Workshop for Library Professionals at PU

Chandigarh February 28, 2020

Workshop for Library Professionals at PU

The Department of Library and Information Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh
organized one day workshop for library professionals on “Implementation challenges of
RFID Technology and KOHA ILMS”, here today. In the inaugural session Dr. K.P. Singh,
DLIS, University of Delhi, highlighted the role of Information & Communication
Technology(ICT) in general and RFID Technology specifically. Dr. Singh also stressed
upon addressing the compatibility issues of RFID with Integrated Library Management
System [ILMS]. He illustrated the origin and evolution of Open Source Software (OSS),
“KOHA”. Lastly, Dr Singh explained the role of “Human” aspect in managing innovative
technologies that are emerging in the current era.

The Presidential address was delivered by Professor Ronki Ram, Dean, Faculty of Arts,
Panjab University. Prof. Ronki Ram apart from deliberating upon the role of ICT in
empowering libraries, shared his experience of using libraries abroad which are highly
technology driven. He emphasized on the role of library professional competencies for
utilizing the cutting-edge technologies for meeting the users’ expectations.
Both, the keynote address and the presidential address were highly enriching,
informative and were highly appreciated by the delegates of the workshop.
Earlier, Prof. Preeti Mahajan, Chairperson DLIS, PU welcomed the dignitaries and shared
the vision and mission of the department and also introduced the theme of the workshop.
More than 110 delegates participated in the workshop. The delegates came from northern
regions including Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh and Madhya Pradesh.

Watch This Video Till End….

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