18th Town Vending Committee meeting held
Chandigarh, August 8:- A meeting of Town vending committee Chandigarh held here today under the chairmanship of Sh. K.K. Yadav, IAS, Commissioner, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh and attended by Sh. Manoj Bansal Chief engineer, Sh. Vivek Trivedi, Social Development officer and other concerned officers and members of the committee.
During the meeting various important issues were discussed in detail and the committee recommended some proposals to be completed under the sub committee. The following issues have been accorded approval.
1. Regarding the transfer of licenses to the family member from the deceased person there name should be in the license of the registration of the licensee . As per the street vendors Act 2014.
2. The committee observed that the Adhaar no. of the applicant/ licensee should be correct in respect of making any corrections in the registration and the particulars like spelling errors in name, address correction, addition of new mobile number can be amended.
3. Representation regarding transfer of trade from panwari to other trade can be done but it cannot sell tobaccos and other prohibited items.
4. Relaxation in fee due to various reasons by the licensee cannot be done under Bye Laws of TVC.
5. If a vendor cannot pay his fee then their vending license will be cancelled as per the provisions in the vendors Act.
6. After submission of dues the vendors will allowed to unlock their Account ID.
7. In case of illness, the family person will be allowed to carry out their business by producing medical certificate of registered vendor from a government hospital at an temporary basis for a period of 10 days.
8. Selling of Ice-cream will be allowed only under the provisions of mobile vendor schedule.
9. The committee further resolve to launch whatsapp no. for grievances of vendors and recommended strict action against unauthorized vendor and child labor involved in vending specially at sector-17.
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