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Session on Blissful Life at PU Girl’s Hostel No. 9

Chandigarh February 3, 2020

Session on Blissful Life at PU Girl’s Hostel No. 9

A session on “Blissful Life” was organized for the inmates of the Amrita Pritam Hall, Girl’s Hostel No. 9, Panjab University, Chandigarh. This life enhancing session was organized under the aegis of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON).

The session was conducted by the Dr. Sudesh Arya, an Ophthalmologist from Government Medical College and Hospital, Sector 32, Chandigarh and Dr. Shashi Arya, from the Department of Pulmonary Medicine. At the outset Dr. Arya referred to the definition of health given by the World Health Organization (WHO) that also includes spiritual wellbeing. He gave examples from Bhagvadgita to highlight the relevance of its lessons for a stress free and blissful life. He said that in the modern age ‘stress’ has become the number one disease and is our ‘hidden enemy’. It distorts comfortable way of
living. He talked about various behavioral, physiological, physical and cognitive effects of stress that lead to further problems like obesity, drug dependence, sleep disorder etc. that have now become commonplace. He also referred to lack of disciplined schedule and habits, irregular food habits and pollution as the stressors of health. He said that drugs, drinking, tranquilizers etc. only provide transient euphoria as a solution to deal with stress.

Further, Dr. Arya stressed that the actual solution for tackling stress lies in –‘simple living and high thinking’. Mind, he said, is the best friend, if controlled; and greatest enemy if not controlled. He said that for stress management controlling
the mind is very important and that can be done by Vairagya (detachment), Abhyasa (practice), Prasadam (food), Meditation and Satsang (association-good company). He emphasized on the importance of satwik food and spending time with oneself, for self- development and introspection.

The hostel inmates were enthusiastic after knowing the life-skills and the session concluded on with a positive note. Prof. (Dr.) Emanual Nahar, Dean Student Welfare, Prof. (Dr.) Neena Caplash, Dean Student Welafare (Women) and Dr. Shipra Gupta, Hostel Warden were among those present to motivate the students.

Watch This Video Till End….

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