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Research can be a return on investment for economic growth of India

Chandigarh November 8, 2019

The fifth day of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) -Asia Pacific Regional Committee (APRC) supported seminar on the theme ‘Blood-Brain-Barrier: From Basic Physiology to Neurological Disorders’ started with a lecture from Prof. A. B. Pant, CSIR-IITR, Lucknow. He highlighted the significance of ethical standards in the field of research. He also emphasized that key to research is planning, performing, reporting and monitoring of research data.

Prof. A. K. Mishra, DRDO-INMAS, New Delhi discussed the role of educational growth of the Indian students and also emphasized on the importance of bringing basic sciences to the front line in the area of research. Educating researchers about having a strong methodology and making them realize to prevent the misuse of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) will translate into development of research. Good and ethical research can be in future a return on investment for the country and promote economic growth for India.

Prof. Suresh Kumar Sharma, Department of Statistics, Panjab University, Chandigarh, discussed about the statistical tools and techniques that can help researchers in higher reproducibility of their data. He also talked about various software and tools that can help researchers in analyzing their research data.

The session ended with a talk from Prof. Amal Chandra Mondal, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on the structure and function of blood brain barrier. He also talked about the ways molecules transport across the blood brain barrier.

The day ended with poster evaluation of the participants.  

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