निपुण पंचकूला मिशन के अंतर्गत जिले के 275 राजकीय विद्यालयों में हुआ ‘संवाद’ पी०टी०एम० का आयोजन

PU declared results

Chandigarh February 19, 2020

PU declared results

It is for the information of the general public and students of Panjab
University Teaching Departments/Colleges in particular that result of
the following examinations have been declared:-

1.      MA(Hons.School)Economics-IIIrd Semester,Dec-19

2.      MA-French-Ist Semester,Dec-19

3.      MA-French-IIIrd Semester,Dec-19

4.      B.Sc(Hons.) Bio-Technology-Ist Semester,Dec-19

The students are advised to see their result in their respective Departments/Colleges/University website.

Watch This Video Till End….

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