*भूड स्कूल में युवा संसद का आयोजन

Kaimbwala village committee meeting held

Kaimbwala village committee meeting held

Chandigarh, February 6:- A meeting of village development committee for Kaimbwala was held here today, under the chairmanship of nominated councillor Sh. Sat Prakash Aggarwal to discuss the problems in the village. The meeting was also attended by other members of the committee.

The main problems discussed throughout the meeting were- Scarcity of water and faulty tubewells in the village, Sewerage problems in the village, Street lights across the village and provision of high mast lights, especially on Saketri road, Cleaning of cremation ground, The usage of eater by houses outside of lal dora, schools and dispensaries across the village.

A village visit was also proposed by the chairman of the committee to help identify and solve the problems more effectively and efficiently.

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