*भूड स्कूल में युवा संसद का आयोजन

International Webinar on Integrated Disaster Management organized by PU DLIS

Chandigarh September 29, 2020

For Detailed News-

The Department of Library and Information Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh organised an International webinar on Disaster Management: an integrated approach. Ms. Heather Brown, Assistant Director, Artlab Australia was the resource person.

In the beginning of the webinar, Professor Preeti Mahajan, Chairperson of the department welcomed the speaker and the participants. She also introduced the theme of the webinar.


 Ms. Brown emphasized on risk management and prevention so that institutions can prepare to respond with a proper plan of action to salvage both electronic as well as physical resources. Live examples from day to day situations and recovery from natural or manmade calamities were discussed to provide the participants with ideas about collection care during pandemic.

The session was followed by a question and answer session and vote of thanks.