निपुण पंचकूला मिशन के अंतर्गत जिले के 275 राजकीय विद्यालयों में हुआ ‘संवाद’ पी०टी०एम० का आयोजन

Impact of Covid 19 on Mental Health

Chandigarh May 28, 2020

A Webinar titled “Impact of Covid-19 on Mental Health “ was jointly organised by the Centre for Social Work and Department of Ancient Indian History , Culture and Archaeology ,Panjab University today.This  was part of the joint series  related to the pandemic organised by the two departments.

For Detailed News-

 Dr Monica Munjal introduced the theme and welcomed the Vice Chancellor of Panjab University,Professor Raj Kumar . The Vice Chancellor  in his inaugural address, stressed on the issues of anxiety and loneliness created with the present circumstances and the need to urgently address them .He highlighted the fact that since the lockdown over 75 Webinar’s have been organised by Panjab University.The Vice Chancellor has been constantly engaging with all the stakeholders of the University during this period of crisis to ensure that they all feel connected as part of the Panjab University family. 


Dr Paru Sidhu ,Chairperson,department of AIHC&A the Vice Chancellor introduced the distinguished speaker Dr Rajaram Subbian .Dr Rajaram is a renowned Psychiatric social worker and  International practitioner.He has over two decades of clinical exposure and teaching at NIMHANS(National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences ), an apex centre for mental health and neuroscience education in the country. Dr Rajaram is presently Executive Director of Baic Needs India,Bengaluru . He spoke at length on how the spread of Covid -19 and the subsequent lockdowns have impacted the mental health of different sections of Indian society. He also addressed the various concerns of the participants.

The webinar was well attended by the faculty members from different departments , research scholars and students.

Watch This Video Till End….

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