बाल दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में करवाई  विभिन्न प्रतियोगिताएं आयोजित

Commissioner reviews development works of 5 villages

Chandigarh, January 30:- Sh. K.K. Yadav, IAS, Commissioner reviewed the development works for the villages Palsora, Maloya, Kajheri, Attawa, Badheri and Butrela here today which was attended by the concerned area councilors namely Smt. Sheela Devi, Sh. Rajesh Kumar, Sh. Hardeep Singh, Sh. Satish Kainth, Smt. Chanderwati Shukla, Sh. Sanjay Arora, SE, B&R and other concerned officers of MCC.

During the meeting 6 works amounting to Rs. 394 lacs at village Palsora were approved and the progress as stated by the Executive Engineers was discussed in detail. The area councilor apprised that the work of connections to the individual households shall also be taken up and it has been decided that the agenda item in this regard to provide household connections for water supply, storm and sewerage shall be taken up and placed before the next F&CC meeting.

Similarly 5 works amounting to Rs. 447 lacs at village Maloya were approved under village development fund and will be completed by 31st March, 2020. The works of illumination in front of sports complex as reported is completed. The area councilor stated that a UGR shall be provided and in this connection the inspection will be conducted by area councilor and the concerned Executive Engineer, to work out the feasibility to submit the estimate.

The area councilor also requested that the veterinary hospital shall be established in Gawala colony and it has been requested to submit the request so as to take with the department of Animal husbandary in this regard. It was also directed to Executive Engineer, PH to contact CREST to work out the provision of Bio Gas Plant in Maloya and other colonies.

For village Kajheri 6 works amounting to Rs. 494 lacs were approved under village Development fund and discussed that the work of paver blocks in streets outside phirni road and construction of approach road and parking in front of community centre in village Kajheri stand completed. The work of reconstruction of cement concrete internal streets shall be taken up on the completion of public health works.

At village Attawa 6 works amounting to Rs. 149 lacs were approved under village development fund. For village Badheri 7 works amounting to Rs. 270 lacs were approved under the village development fund. The area councilor requested that 22’ wide road in village Badheri in the scope of paver blocks shall be substituted by bitumen concrete. The area councilor also requested that the adjoining V-6 road of sector 41-D near village Badheri shall also be taken up under this work as the road cut has been provided for services to village.

Six works amounting to Rs. 136 lacs were approved under village development funds for village Buterela.

The Commissioner directed all the concerned engineers to complete the works under village development funds of all the 9 villages and to submit the utilization certificate so as to seek the additional funds without any delay. The next review meeting in this regard has been scheduled to be held on 25th February at 11.00 am.

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