*MC Empowering Young Minds for a Cleaner, Healthier Future through Awareness Activities on International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies*

Cleanliness Drive at IETVE

Chandigarh :

 The Mother Teresa Vanity Club of the Institute of Educational Technology and Vocational Education (IETVE), Panjab University, Chandigarh organized cleanliness drive, here todasy and Classroom Decoration to commemorates 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatama Gandhi. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Rekha Rani, Coordinator of the Club. The different groups of students of each class were assigned the specific area for the cleanliness drive. All the faculty members and students of the Institute participated in this cleanliness drive enthusiastically.   Also, Inter class ‘Classroom
Decoration Competition’ was held. The classroom of B.A.B.Ed. Semester-I was declared as the best decorated classroom by the judges- Mrs. Prabhdeep Kaur and Dr. Jagdeep Kumar.

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