आदर्श आचार संहिता के दौरान कैश, शराब, हथियार और अन्य चुनाव संबंधी सामग्री पर निगरानी रखने के लिए किया गया उड़न दस्ते व स्थैतिक निगरानी टीमों (एसएसटी ) का गठन- जिला निर्वाचन अधिकारी

Awareness Drive at PU

Chandigarh October 24, 2019

To create public awareness about the ill-effects of noise and smoke caused by firecrackers, NSS, Panjab University, held an awareness drive on ‘Say no to Crackers’ at Panjab University. The NSS volunteers stood at the entry gates of Panjab University as well as at student Centre to spread the word forward by various thought provoking slogans, holding placard and posters. The idea of the campaign was to celebrate Diwali ‘the festivals of light’ without harming the environment by giving up on crackers, lightening up with diyas rather than decorative lights and using natural colors for

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